(780) 404-4841

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A division of Kokotilo Holdings Inc.


Fire Fit Training Center Logo


FIREFIGHTER APPLICATION TRAINING - Fire Fit Training Center exists to prepare clients for the application / hiring process with most municipal Fire Departments throughout Canada. We provide specific, unique, and effective professional firefighter career application training which includes the following competencies and much more. We "SPECIALIZE IN FIREFIGHTER INTERVIEW PREPARATION" ........ "498" successful students and counting........


The main reason applicants fail to get hired is not their lack of NFPA knowledge, but rather a lack of knowledge of the hiring process.
  • What about NFPA?

    Most major municipal fire departments within Canada initially do not require NFPA 1001 in order for application, and NFPA 1001 courses do not prepare individuals for the application process. In addition some major Fire Departments provide their own NFPA 1001 training
  • Industry Certifications?

    FFTC can provide the following certifications:
    WHMIS, CST - Construction Safety Ticket, EAFR-Electrical Awareness for First Responders, NGAFR-Natural Gas Awareness for First Responders, CSA- Confined Space Awareness, FPA - Fall Protection Awareness, WSA-Workplace Safety Awareness, FFTC - Professional Drivers Course ( Classroom Portion), TDG - Transportation of Dangerous Goods, FFTC - Chainsaw maintenance awareness course, GTKF - Public Fire Prevention Course, PSAT - Petroleum Safety and Fire Behaviour Awareness Course, and many more to choose from
  • Getting Hired

    Your best chance of getting hired is having a truly comprehensive understanding of the hiring process and the exact qualifications the department is looking for. FFTC can prepare you for these requirements better than anything else. Don't leave your future to chance. Take a FFTC preparation course and be fully equipped to succeed for any fire department hiring process.
fire fighter preparation course

Currently accepting applications......


  • Chief Kokotilo - Just wanted to let you know - I am in the first class! Ranked "5th!" Thanks for your guidance and mentorship.  Ryan S.

  • Chief - Previously I was unable to get through the interview. Your knowledge and coaching was the "ticket!!" - Thanks . William H.

  • Chief Kokotilo- my dream was as a  professional Firefighter - you helped me immensely with your expertise and guidance - I have just signed an offer letter with Victoria!! Thanks again . Sean L.

  • Thanks for the unbelievable help with respect to the interview process and general knowledge of the Fire Department - the "one on one" skypes you did with me helped me to succeed and get on the eligibility list - thanks again!                                                                                                                                                            John S.

  • Chief - just wanted to thank-you - I start on Sept. 4th in the first class and your help set me above the rest.                                                                                          Justin M.

  • Chief - "WOW" is all I can say! Thanks for helping me fulfill my dream.                                                                                                                                                      Jacob C.

  • Chief Kokotilo - what can I say "3rd" time the charm - had problems with the interview - you helped me immensely - will not forget it - THANKS AGAIN!!   Carson M.

  • Chief Kokotilo, This past year was my fourth year applying to the EFRS, and I had always been unsuccessful in my interviews. I firmly believe that it was your class, and the mock interview that I was a part of, that made me successful in the interview this last time around. I am currently in training as a member of class 138 with the EFRS and although late, just wanted to thank you immensely for helping me realize my dream. Greg R. 

  • Chief........ I am 100% confident that I would never have made it this far without your prep class. I found it as the single biggest resource of knowledge and advice that I could have ever found, and I am very grateful that you use your time and expertise to help people like me achieve our dream. So a sincere thank-you goes to you. Mike A. 

  • Chief, I got my e list placement today I made 7th and Aaron made 15th with EFRS-2012. We couldn't have done it without your help. Mike B.

  • You probably heard the list came out - I ranked 11-EFRS 2012. Your class was a huge help in giving me the skills to excel in the recruitment process. Thanks for giving so much of your time to making sure we were prepared and confident. Mike G. 

  • Chief - unbelievable!! I also received a job offer from Edmonton and was just notified that I placed 17st on the list....My dream has come true........ Thank you so much with everything in training I know I couldn't have done it without your help. Thanks again Chief!  Hancock 

  • I just heard from human resources and I am blown away and feel like there is a mistake, but they said that I received 100% on my interview and am moving on. I received the eligibility list and I ranked 3rd... Once again I just want to thank you for your help in all of this for me. Dave N. 

  • Chief Kokotilo, I am ecstatic to tell you that I ranked 14th on the Eligibility list! A HUGE thank you for help on the physical and interview training, I know that it was an integral part of my success! Jonathan S.

  • Chief, Thanks for all the help and guidance that you gave me thru your Fire-Fit class. The knowledge base that I gained from the Aptitude right to the Interview process helped me attain the eligibility ranking of 12th on the list. Thank-you for making my dream come true! Ryan P. 

  • Chief - all I can say is thank-you!! Accepted at both Calgary and Edmonton - now to choose.....Your interview prep. was what put me over the top! William R.

  • Sir - thanks for your mentorship and help through this past year - your course material was exactly what I needed to be placed on the eligibility list with Edmonton. Chris N.

  • Chief - Vancouver just called me - thanks. I have been applying for so long - your knowledge and mentorship are what got me where I am today. Thanks again. Neil P.



  • Most courses are by correspondence and some held in the greater Edmonton area. For more information contact Chief John H. Kokotilo
  • phone 780-404-4841
  • Email : firefitchief@outlook.com    / firefitchief@mcsnet.ca